Service Portals

Knowledge Portal


The Knowledge Portal is one of the main screens of the solution, which aims to provide relevant information that allows the operator (user or administrator) to understand and apply certain knowledge.

It also enables it to register new knowledge in order to make the portal dynamic and up-to-date.

Main Screen

Figure 1 - Knowledge Portal
Figure 1 - Knowledge Portal

  1. Folders: displays the folders that the logged-in user has access to view the knowledge of the same;
  2. Services Portal: clicking on the option will display one of the main screens of the product, the Service Portal (Smart Portal);
  3. System: clicking on the option allows entering the system;
  4. Identification of the user logged in: when clicking the option, the functions to change the access password and exit the portal are displayed;
  5. Field of Search: allows the search for knowledge;
  6. Favorites: the knowledge that has been marked as favorite by the user of the logged in
  7. Liked: the knowledge that was created by the logged-in user
  8. Indicated: knowledge indicated to the user, referring to the most accessed system features.
For example, the user logged in always accesses the "Service Request" functionality, when it enters the Knowledge Portal, the system will indicate the knowledge regarding the functionality.

9. Add Knowledge: allows the user logged in to post new knowledge in the Knowledge Base.

Secondary Screen

  1. Search field;
  2. Shows the total knowledge;
  3. Shows filters to find the knowledge, refining the initial search by selecting one of the options;
  4. Relation of knowledge found.
Figure 2 - Search Result
Figure 2 - Search Result

🖊 Note: The resulting list is mounted according to certain (configurable) comparison priorities. By default, any resulting list will be assembled by comparing the searched text with (in this order): a) content of knowledge b) title c) attachments d) keywords (Tags)

Figura 3 - Knowledge View
Figura 3 - Knowledge View

After finding the desired knowledge, click on the title to view the content:

  1. Knowledge Title;
  2. Icon for favoring the knowledge to be related in the main page of the Knowledge Portal;
  3. Icon to view which ITIL modules knowledge is linked to;
  4. Icon to leave a comment about the knowledge;
  5. Icon to print a knowledge;
  6. Path of folders and sub-folders to get to this knowledge (bread crumb);
  7. List for access to versions of knowledge;
  8. List of files attached to knowledge;
  9. Content of knowledge;
  10. Icons to register a "like" or "unlike" about knowledge;
  11. Number of comments, views, name of who created the knowledge, date and time of your last modification;
  12. Quantitative knowledge assessment strategy (one note), which will range from 1 to 5, depending on the star marked;
  13. Place where users can register their comments;
  14. Place where all the knowledge that has been related to the visualized knowledge will be listed;
  15. Icon to contribute to the knowledge management of the organization, that is, the way the user has to create (propose) a new knowledge.