16 Processes
Overview of the Processes
Incident and Request

Searching Ticket in the Advanced Mode


This functionality allows refining the ticket search through filters.

Before getting started

To make an advanced search of tickets, it is necessary:

To register previously a ticket and have opened calls, in any situation and set the parameters: 40, 41, 261, 260 (with the default value 1-List without Restriction), 343 (with default value "Y") and the parameter 378 (if the user informs the value 0, the system will always download in the background.

If the user leaves the field blank, the system limits the download in the background to five thousand records;

If the user places a value greater or less than five thousand records, the system considers the value entered by the user).


  1. Access the Ticket Management functionality through the main menu Processes > Request and Incident Management > Service Request and Incident;
  2. Click on the button menu located in the upper left corner of the screen and then on "Advanced Search";
  3. Complete the fields with the information you want. Remembering that the effectiveness of the search depends on following some rules of permission by the filter, for example, execution, delegation, monitoring, visualization, user group, contract link, units, and employee logged in. Therefore, if parameter 61 is enabled, the units linked to the contract will only be available, to which it has links with the groups in which it belongs to;
  4. Click on "Search";
  5. Choose one of the formats of the file (PDF, XLS, and CSV) to generate the report. After choosing the format, the system verifies the parameter 261 and if it finds a register greater than the amount allowed, it will present the following message:
    • "The number of registers found exceed the maximum amount allowed for viewing. Please, redefine the search filters";
  6. However, if the number of registers returned in the search is less than the limited in the parameter 261, the system verifies the configuration of parameter 378;
  7. The number of registers is verified to generate the report in the background, if the number is greater than the number parametrized, then the system will present the following message:
    • "The report is being processed. A notification will be sent to you when it is ready"
  8. In case the file to be created is too long, the system triggers a notification on the main screen, informing that its download is finished. When finished, click on "View" to access the report through the link available.